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입에 착 붙는 이보영의 패턴회화 120 세트

lhba 2024. 2. 4. 03:04

누구나 신년계획에 한 줄정도는 꼭들어가는 영어공부. 나역시 남들과 같이신년 계획을 위해 작년 12월 15일부터 이달 2월 15일까지 약 2달간 이보영의 패턴회화 120 세트 기본편, 응용편을 다 보았다. 결론부터 얘기하자면 효과가 있다. 제공되는 CD를 mp3플레이어로 옮겨 최소 주 5일 출/퇴근 2시간동안 걸을때는 mp3듣고 지하철에 서있거나 앉아있을 때는책읽고 매일 아무도 없는 거리에서 cd따라 떠벌떠벌 혼자 따라 연습하며 2달을 보냈다. 드라마 재방송이나 보던IPTV로 이보영의 패턴회화 120 강의도 찾아 듣기까지 했다. 그리고 드디어이번주엔 외국인 친구를 한국으로 초대해 함께 지낼 예정인데 외국친구와 메신저로 채팅할때도 2달 전보다는 좀 더 다양한 표현을 할 수 있었다는 점에 점수를 주고싶다. 여튼 책이 120개의 패턴인줄 알았는데 기본편, 응용편 모두 8개의 유닛마다 5개 패턴, 즉 각각 40개 패턴으로 모두 80개의 패턴이 나와있다. 나머지 40패턴은 시리즈로 더 나올 예정인것 같다. 우선 기본편은 좀 쉬운듯한 짧은패턴으로 구성되어있어서 조금은 심리적으로 만만하게 시작할 수 있다. 응용편은 갑자기 예문이 기본편보다 길어져서 CD듣다가 좀 당황했으나 계속 듣다보니 그럭저럭 들린다. 그리고 가장 좋았던 점은 한 개의 패턴에 대하여 여러 상황을 제시하여 각 상황에서 느껴지는 뉘앙스로 패턴을 익힐 수 있는 점이다. 예를들면 누구나what kind of 라는 말을 들어본 적은 있겠지만 그 패턴으로 비꼬며 불평하듯 말할 수 있다는 것을 아는 사람이 많을 것 같지는 않다. 그리고 cd로 이보영선생님과 로버트선생님의 설명으로 영어억양에 감정을 넣어서 말하는 연습이 되어서 스스로 발음하면서 듣기에 좀 더 유창해지는 느낌이 있었다. 한국어설명이 맛깔나서와 매치되는 영어표현도 같이 맛깔나지는 느낌이랄까. 패턴회화 기본편/응용편 다 떼고나서 그 다음책을 보고서는 효과를 확실히 알았다. 외국인친구를 가이드하려고 우리나라우리문화영어로 소개하기 책 읽고있는데 그 안의 영문에 이보영의 패턴회화 120에서 봤던 패턴들이 눈에 쏙쏙 들어온다. 부담없이 시작하려는 사람이나 나처럼 상대방이 하는 말이 무슨 뜻인줄은 대충 알겠는데 막상 대답은 단어, 또는 아주 짧은 문장밖에 만들 수가 없어서 짧은 회화 후에 이렇게 얘기할걸, 저렇게 얘기해볼걸 하는 후회가 많은 사람에게는 매우 도움이 될 것같다.
이보영의 패턴회화 120의 기본편/응용편 세트.

개정판에서는 40개의 패턴은 동일하지만 120개의 새로운 대화문이 들어가는 것으로 변화를 주었고, 포함된 CD에는 MP3파일로 본문에 대한 강의 뿐만 아니라 listen & repeat가 구성되어 있다. 부록으로는 변경된 120개 대화문의 문장 구조를 분석하여 쉽게 정리한 [핵심패턴 40]을 첨부하였다.

외국인 앞에서면 온갖 말들이 입 속에서만 맴도는 분들을 위해 영어를 입에 착 붙게 하는 방법을 제시한 기본편과 비즈니스 관련 표현들을 포함하여 패턴활용 상황이 좀더 광범위하게 될 수 있도록 한 응용편으로 구성되어 있다.


01 Can you ?
001 Can you tell me what’s going on?
002 Can you take this movie back for me?
003 Can you call an ambulance?
02 I’d like to
004 Id like to get something for my children.
005 Id like to have some drinks first.
006 Id like to ask for a taste before I decide.
03 Sure, I can
007 Sure, I can have that delivered by then.
008 Sure, I can pick it up on the way to the party.
009 Sure, I can ask a buddy to come along too.
04 I wonder if
010 I wonder if itll hold all that weight.
011 I wonder if you could help me read this, I dont have my glasses.
012 I wonder if I could use your bathroom, actually.
05 I’m sure
013 Im sure youll get hired.
014 Im sure there will be a convenience store nearby.
015 Im sure he knows to be careful with it.

06 What kind of ?
016 What kind of music do they play?
017 What kind of job did you get?
018 What kind of teacher assigns homework on weekends?
07 How about ?
019 How about playing a round of golf with me on the weekend?
020 How about making it a double date?
021 How about asking for a transfer?
08 Would you please ?
022 Would you please wait while I see if the tables ready?
023 Would you please have him leave a message?
024 Would you please hold the elevator?
09 What is your ?
025 What is the license plate number?
026 What is your goal, to lose weight or get stronger?
027 What is your favorite exhibit here?
10 I think you should
028 I think you should take a break and walk around.
029 I think you should see whats on the menu first.
030 I think you should consider switching companies.

11 There is
031 There is one around the block.
032 There is a movie Ive been meaning to see.
033 There is some nudity so that might be a bad idea.
12 I want to
034 I want to have some fresh air.
035 I want to buy a souvenir before we go.
036 I want to find out if the new model is coming out soon.
13 It seems / It seems that
037 It seems too small for all our guests.
038 It seems that we spent too much time talking.
039 It seems that the store doesnt give refunds.
14 Let’s
040 Lets go snowboarding once more then.
041 Lets call it a day and go home.
042 Lets get together sometime and talk it over.
15 I’m frustrated that / I was frustrated that
043 Im frustrated that I cant change her mind.
044 Im so frustrated that I cant remember the formula.
045 I was frustrated that she wouldnt let us pay for dinner.

16 I’m sorry that / I m sorry about
046 Im sorry that I didnt call but my battery died.
047 Im sorry that I cant help out.
048 Im sorry about that, I got tired.
17 I have / I have to
049 I have meetings all afternoon.
050 I have a problem with smoking.
051 I have a few things to tell you about your brother.
18 I need / I need to
052 I need your advice on used car shopping.
053 I need someone whos going to pick me up at the airport.
054 I need to get some new hobbies.
19 I wish I could
055 I wish I could go along, but my grandmas sick.
056 I wish I could be there to congratulate you, but Im stuck at work.
057 I wish I could be as tall as those guys.
20 I have to / I must
058 I have to attend a business conference.
059 You must take this book back to the library today.
060 I must say, you look ravishing in that dress.

21 I must have / I would have
061 I must have been out of my mind.
062 I must have forgotten to set my alarm.
063 I would have said, no, thanks, and quit.
22 I feel like
064 I feel like making pasta.
065 I feel like just staying home today.
066 I feel like watching a Broadway musical.
23 Do you want to ?
067 Do you want to eat a snack?
068 Do you want to go for some drinks?
069 Do you want to talk things out?
24 I’m trying to
070 Im trying to get a job, any job now.
071 Im just trying to get an idea of whats going on.
072 Im trying to study for an exam.
25 Why don’t we ?
073 Why dont we meet then?
074 Why dont we set them up?
075 Why dont we go check it out tonight?

26 What / Where / How can I ?
076 What can I do for you?
077 Where can I do that?
078 How can I order a pizza online?
27 I didn’t / I wasn’t
079 I didnt do it!
080 I didnt even look at it!
081 I wasnt feeling very well.
28 What / When / Where did you...?
082 What did you order?
083 When did you get here?
084 Where did you go?
29 I should have / I could have
085 I should have told her it was free.
086 I shouldnt have had seconds.
087 I could have burned the whole place down.
30 That’s what
088 Thats what Im saying!
089 Thats what makes me so angry.
090 Thats what rules the world.

31 Have you (ever) ?
091 Have you ever been in love?
092 Have you seen a short guy with a mustache waiting here?
093 Have you ever thought of working for yourself?
32 I’ve been ?
094 Ive been looking for these keys all morning.
095 Ive been waiting for weeks for this.
096 Ive been reading it nonstop.
33 Will you ?
097 Will you call me back in five minutes?
098 Will you look up this word for me?
099 Will you help me cut veggies?
34 I don’t think
100 I dont think I want to put in the energy anymore.
101 I dont think mom will let me punch holes in my face.
102 Personally, I dont think its a good idea to speed.
35 I would
103 I would take a car if I were you.
104 I would ask for a second estimate at another shop.
105 I would go for the largest size they have.

36 Do you ever / How often do you ?
106 Do you ever go to the cafe up the road?
107 Do you ever watch Celebrity Island?
108 How often do you work out in a week?
37 I hope to
109 I hope to work in finance when I finish school.
110 I hope to visit Cuba someday.
111 I really hope to see some changes this time.
38 It’s a good idea to
112 Its a good idea to lie down if youre dizzy.
113 It was a great idea that you decided to give her cash.
114 It would be a good idea if we kept this between us for now.
39 I agree that / I agree with
115 I agree that we need better equipment.
116 I absolutely agree that you work too much.
117 I agree with you that we should get more exercise.
40 I like
118 I like getting the news on the Internet.
119 I like motivated smart girls.
120 I love walking by the river at sunset.


01 You’re supposed to
001 Youre supposed to be here by at least eight everyday.
002 Youre supposed to report to the vice president’s office by 2p.m.
003 Youre supposed to use that glass for red wine, not white.
02 Why do you?
004 Why do you think its impossible for you to do that?
005 Why do you have to make it so difficult?
006 Why do you want to do something stupid like that?
03 too to
007 He was too weak to do something like that.
008 Its too heavy for me to lift alone.
009 That is too far to walk, Ill drive.
04 I can’t even
010 I cant even eat a proper meal.
011 I’m so tired I cant even see straight.
012 I’m so upset that I cant even look you in the face.
05 I’m worried about / I’m worried that
013 Im really worried about the situation at work.
014 Im worried that the boss might blame me for his mistakes.
015 Im worried that this business trip won’t go well.

06 Im heading (out) to
016 Im heading out to lunch.
017 Im heading out to the beach with my family this weekend.
018 I’m heading out to meet the new hires.
07 Would you mind ?
019 Would you mind waiting while I turn off my computer?
020 Would you mind if we went with a different design?
021 Would you mind my leaving early?
08 What if ?
022 What if we get caught?
023 What if someone develops a newer technology first?
024 What if the concert is over by the time we get there?
09 so that
025 I was so worried that I didnt sleep a wink last night.
026 I was so surprised that my jaw hit the floor.
027 I was so caught up in my soaps that I forgot to change her diaper.
10 I appreciate your / I appreciate that
028 I appreciate your concern, but Ill be able to finish up by myself.
029 I appreciate that you understand how busy I’ve been.
030 I appreciate that you will make that extra effort for me.

11 I don’t have any interest in
031 I dont have any interest in self-help books.
032 I dont have any interest in finance.
033 I dont have any interest in selling my house.
12 I ended up
034 I ended up getting 10 interviews, but I decided to work here.
035 I left the company and ended up working as a carpenter for a few years.
036 I ended up spending too much time at work and not enough enjoying life.
13 How long have you been / How long has it been since ?
037 How long have you been living here?
038 How long have you been planning this project?
039 How long has it been since you gave up red meat?
14 I don’t care about / what / if
040 I dont care about how it looks, as long as I can get my work done.
041 I dont care what gossip people spread.
042 I dont care if you don’t like him, you have to work with him.
15 That was nice of you to
043 That was nice of you to offer him your seat.
044 That was nice of you to let me go ahead of you.
045 That was nice of you to take me out to a baseball game.

16 I used to...
046 I used to love working in this office, but not any more.
047 I used to know how to tie a tie but Ive forgotten.
048 I used to be so tired all the time but since I started working out, now I
feel full of energy.
17 I’m thinking of...
049 Im thinking of learning a new language.
050 Im thinking of getting a new suit.
051 Im thinking of how to break the news to Jonathan.
18 There are times when...
052 There are times when you just cant win.
053 There are times when I feel like I cant live without cheese.
054 There are times when I cant see out of my left eye.
19 Make sure...
055 Make sure you bring some extra water.
056 Make sure you remind him to bring the files I asked for.
057 Make sure all the computers are turned off before you leave.
20 I’m not going to...
058 Im not going to fall for his excuses again.
059 Im not going to make this easy on you.
060 I decided not to hire your friend.

21 I’d better not
061 Id better not even think about eating that.
062 Id better not stick my nose in that fight.
063 Id better not talk to him till he cools down.
22 Is there any
064 Is there any problem, officer?
065 Is there any place you want to visit during your summer vacation?
066 Is there any particular font you had in mind for the new ads?
23 The thing is
067 The thing is, Ive never been to another country.
068 The thing is, we can’t decide anything until our boss comes.
069 The thing is, were leaving for London tomorrow.
24 I get so upset when
070 I get so upset when I see bad driving.
071 I get nervous when the quarterly results come out.
072 I got so nervous when the projector broke down.
25 I can’t help but
073 I cant help but think of the first time we met.
074 It seems we cant help but hire some new workers.
075 I cant help but like her.

26 As I was saying / As I said before / As I mentioned eariler
076 As I was saying, this new supplier is overpriced.
077 As I said before, we’ve had to cut the time given to each presenter.
078 As I mentioned earlier, this building will be finished in April.
27 That depends on
079 That depends on the weather.
080 That depends on how our yearly report turns out.
081 That depends on what the contract says, two weeks might be enough time.
28 I see your point but
082 I see your point but we can’t just lower taxes on our own.
083 I see your point but dont you think youre going about it wrong?
084 I see your point but Im not sure we have the budget.
29 May I ?
085 May I take a picture of you for the company website?
086 May I ask you for a dance?
087 May I go now?
30 What Im / youre saying
088 What Im saying is that we are way over budget.
089 What Im saying is that youre just not manager material.
090 What youre saying is you can do all of this by yourself?

31 I hate / I hate it when
091 I hate getting home after midnight.
092 I hate it when you make fun of me in front of our colleagues.
093 I hate it when people answer the phone in meetings.
32 That’s all
094 That’s all I’m asking for too.
095 That’s all I’ve got done for this week.
096 That’s all I’m thinking about, these days.
33 I’m afraid of / I’m afraid that
097 I’m afraid of my new manager.
098 I’m afraid of public speaking.
099 I’m afraid that we can’t finish this project by the due date.
34 I hardly ever / I always / I almost everyday
100 I hardly ever go skiing anymore.
101 I always go shopping Sunday nights.
102 I talk to him almost everyday.
35 What do you say ?
103 What do you say you and I go out on the town after work?
104 What do you say we work together on the next project?
105 What do you say you do it alone from now on?


36 How many times have you
106 How many times have you been to Africa?
107 How many times have you gone on international business trips?
108 How many times have you changed the design of this model house?
37 This is the first time I’ve
109 This is the first time I’ve ever tried modeling.
110 This is the first time I’ve seen the security guy smile.
111 This is the first time I’ve had so much fun working with anyone.
38 What made you ?
112 What made you change your image?
113 What made you become so proficient at programming?
114 What made you so excited about working for Primacorp?
39 I was hoping to / that
115 I was hoping to get a little lucky.
116 I was hoping we could finish this by tomorrow.
117 I was just hoping that we could all reach an agreement about pay raises.
40 remind me of
118 You remind me of a girl I used to know.
119 Screaming children remind me of kindergarten.
120 That just reminds me, we’re almost out of ink.